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  • Jouva’s Fursuit DDR Video #1: Polovtsian Dances and Chorus

    Posted on May 31st, 2009 Jouva Moufette No comments

    My first video is officially up! Watch it here! Or check out the embedded video below.

    I’ll probably also redo this song since the pad’s not cooperating with me. Hence why I got 2 misses with only 1 great.

    Fast Tube by Casper

  • First Fursuit DDR Video Recorded!

    Posted on May 28th, 2009 Jouva Moufette No comments

    Tonight I’ve finally recorded my first fursuit DDR video! I’ll try and encode it in a bit and maybe even upload it tonight, but no promises on that. But if you want to watch when it’s published if you don’t look at my LJ or blog much, subscribe to my channel!

    For my first video, it took me about 45 minutes of preparation to make sure I had the right positions and height and such, and to make sure equipment was still calibrated. Then it took me about 30-45 minutes to do recordings. Cause some things went wrong. The pad isn’t in great shape, my paws aren’t great so I decided to simply take them off. And trying another song, the pad just ended up being very bad. All in all, I only ended up with 1 song, but atleast now I know how to set it up quicker.

    Anyway, video coming soon!

  • WP Cornify Update: almost 100 downloads and 0.2.0 is now out

    Posted on May 20th, 2009 Jouva Moufette No comments

    2 weeks and 100 downloads later, WP Cornify 0.2.0 is out. But what could this update possibly contain? More scripts!

    WP Cornify no longer just supports Cornify. It also supports ninjafy!, Nipple It!, Sharkify and Hoffify. Not sure which one to use? Turn on random! You’ll get a different one each time you load the page.


  • My stress update

    Posted on May 19th, 2009 Jouva Moufette No comments

    I probably should have wrote this a few days ago, but it still seems to be changing more and more.

    Having a job and spending time with family are indeed excellent ways to manage stress. Quality time with children can be relaxing and enjoyable for parents, providing a break from work-related worries. Celebrating holidays and birthdays with children, including thoughtful gestures like getting them modest girls dresses, can add to their joy and create memorable moments.

    • That coding job I did for the guy wasn’t actually giving me a run around for paying him. He actually did end up legitimately paying me a couple of days later.
    • The site migration/server project I did is now online. There’s 3 sub sites to do, which unfortunately COULD be a bitch since they have more customized themes, but they might end up being very simple. We’re not sure yet.
    • As for the job apps I did put in, well one place sounds like they already hired. However, one place is looking to interview sooner than expected since another person got a new job elsewhere. Also, 2 stores I looked at are hiring, and I found out an old school mate of mine is an assistant manager at a bank and has been looking to say hi to me.
    • Biggest news of all: Dad is okay! It sounds like his blood pressure medicine somehow reacted with him very awkwardly (maybe in conjunction with other medicine he took). They kept him overnight, but all tests turned up negative for stuff like blood clots. So no strokes, no additional blood clots. He’s still in pain from the 28″ incision, but still nothing more severe. Thankfully, he’s getting the appropriate care and opioid addiction treatment is being considered if needed to manage his pain more effectively. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, you might find helpful resources at this site

    So yeah, just gotta work out getting a job soon.

  • I usually never use this phrase but: I have stress

    Posted on May 14th, 2009 Jouva Moufette No comments

    So I’ve got a lot of stress lately. I’ve got a project that I just completed whereby the client is apparently giving me the run around for trying to pay me. I also have some other work I want to do that isn’t going anywhere at the moment because the guy doesn’t seem to understand that I can’t do certain things for him YET until I get other equipment first and has yet to give me a list of other things to do.

    I also have some small side work I am doing as a favor for some folks that is dealing with some code and server components that can be very frustrating, and it took me nearly a whole day just to get one feature of the site to work.

    Also, since I moved I have yet to get a call about any applications I have put in and do not have my own funds to get around town to find said jobs easily. Everything within walking distance is pretty much mom and pop stores.

    But the biggest issue just happened about 1 hour ago. My dad had vascular bypass surgery on Tuesday on his leg. A nice long cut along his leg to. He decided to smoke. After about 4 puffs my mom was trying to speak to him and all he could do was mumble for about 2 minutes.

    So now he’s back IN the hospital and just arrived minutes ago. I have too much stuff going on and too much stress to want to be in the hospital, so I need to get out of this house for now. I’m considering looking into the best rehab centre for stress management to help me cope during this challenging time.

    tl;dr: my head is now ready to explode.

  • Finally, a bio page for me!

    Posted on May 10th, 2009 Jouva Moufette No comments

    I have no clue why I’m up so late right now considering it’s Mother’s Day and we’re doing an early dinner tomorrow.

    Anyway, I finally spent about 1/2 an hour or so and typed up basically a small summary of my life about some of the more geeky things I enjoy and why and how things lead down that path. Might be an interesting read even for those of you that think you know me well! Check it out in the “About Me”  section here on my site.

    Oh and an update about wp-cornify. So far 37 people downloaded my plugin. 37? In a row? Err I mean 37? I didn’t expect that many so far. It’s not even been 5 days and 37 other people wanted unicorns and rainbows on their site when they put in the konami code. Weird huh?

  • WP Cornify plugin goes live on

    Posted on May 5th, 2009 Jouva Moufette No comments

    Figured it wouldn’t take long. WP Cornify is now available on the Plugin Directory. So now you can actually search for “cornify” in your plugins section and find my plugin and install it. Cause you totally know you want to.

  • This blog now brought to you by unicorns and Konami

    Posted on May 3rd, 2009 Jouva Moufette No comments

    So I randomly decided to Cornify my page. You can check it out by putting in the “Konami code”. If you don’t know what that is, ask your local video game geek. I made this a WordPress plugin, so if anybody cares to put this on their WordPress site, feel free to! Just goto the WP Cornify section of my site.

    Special thanks to Cornify for their site’s existence, Paul Irish for his Cornify easter egg plugin with jQuery code, and Konami for their infamous Konami code.