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  • WP Cornify Update: almost 100 downloads and 0.2.0 is now out

    Posted on May 20th, 2009 Jouva Moufette No comments

    2 weeks and 100 downloads later, WP Cornify 0.2.0 is out. But what could this update possibly contain? More scripts!

    WP Cornify no longer just supports Cornify. It also supports ninjafy!, Nipple It!, Sharkify and Hoffify. Not sure which one to use? Turn on random! You’ll get a different one each time you load the page.



    1 responses to “WP Cornify Update: almost 100 downloads and 0.2.0 is now out” RSS icon

    • Hi!
      Great script!!
      Can you add a cutom field for a redirect to a own site? Or a custom field in which users can add their own javascript?
      I think ..thats a nice add on for this geat script!
      Greetings Martin

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